Hermione Granger sat in he dormitory room. She was reading Hogwarts A History, when she remembered a new idea to help Harry.
She took out her wand, and said "Accio! Horcrux books!"
In an instant they flew into the window. She suddenly felt a cold breeze.
"Notty. Notty, Ms. Granger. I must go tell the headmistress what you're up too!!" A high pitched cackle ran through out the room.To help Harry. Harry Potter. To do a task that Professor Dumbledore has asked him to do."
Peeves shook his head and waved his finger at Hermione.
"When has that ever stopped me before?"
"I'll.. I'll call on the bloody baron!" (Even though Hermione knew that the bloody baron would never step into Gryffindor Tower, she knew Peeves was terrifed of him.
"Fine. You win this time Ms. Granger. But next time.. You better watch out!!" with that, Peeves cackled and flew through the door.
"Phew." Hermione said. Looking around at her room she had been living in for 6 years, a tear drop went down her cheek.
There were pictures of Victor Krum from the Yule Ball, there was one of Ron trying out for Qudditch. Her and Her parents when Hermione had gotten the acceptance letter to Hogwarts.
And one of all three of them, Hermione, Ron and Harry standing side by side at the Weasley's house.
She looked at Ron's face in the picture. He was grinning, and waving at her. She wished that he knew how she felt about him.
Harry had confided in her about how hurt he felt when Ginny was with another boy, but her heart had almost been ripped out when she saw Ron kissing Lavander Brown.
Someday, she hoped he would know, before it was too late, because danger was surely upon them.
* This a Fan fiction story. The characters and books belong to J.K.Rowling. but the story is mine.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Snowball Faerie
Snow has come.
Not because of Clouds.
Or Icicles that are so loud.
But because of a little Faerie.
Named Wendy, who loves
snow flakes and iciclcakes.
She makes them out of left over
snow on a humans sweater.
She mixes them together.
In a batter full of sweet.
Her cave doesn't bug her
it hugs her and keeps her warm.
She prefers the Snow moon over
the Yellow Sun.
She flies up to it, and sends more snowflakes down.
Down and Down they go, all the way to Earth.
Where summer faeries lurk. But she stops them.
Her icy cold hands send out freezing cold brownies.
That smack them in their face.
And this is how the snowballs fight started.
All because of one little faerie, who declared
that Winter should not begin before December 21st.
So the Summer and Fall Faeries drifted away,
and were not seen again until June.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Poster Fairy
Dear Diary,
My name is Cora. I have this dream of becoming Poster Fairy. You know, like one of Amy Brown's paintings?
Just once.. It would be amazing. to be famous.. though, I think maybe I'd be annoymous. But then again who knows.
Poster Fairies are everywhere. I know some of them. They're what humans are called: Models. You only get selected if you're skinny, beautiful, and willing to have tons of make up on.
Why Diary, can't their be a normal Fairy? Yes, we are beautiful. I consider myself beautiful, but not in a Princess way.
I consider myself good enough to be a Brain Froud fairy. I live in the woods, with many different creatures.
My purple color brightens them. But I do it to make them happy, not as a selfish act.
You see. Those pretty, skimpy fairies do Posters as a selfish act. To get attention. Me. I would do it to bring all the sad woodland creatures like mice back to life.
I've heard whispers of girls through the woods wishing they had fairy magic. I wish I could give them a bit of mine. To let them know, how that they too can be beautiful.
It is from them I have heard of this Brain Froud, an artist from England. Who accepts all kinds of creatures. Of all colors.
Maybe. Someday, he'll find me in his back yard, and paint me. That is a wish, Diary.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Mia, the Hufflepuff a Short Story
In Hogsmeade, a girl named Mia sits. She is wearing a yellow scarf, a badger on her cloak, and starring at somebody.
He doesn't know her. Or for that matter, has ever heard her name.
She knows him. He's Harry Potter. And she's just, well, Mia.
She also knows that Harry Potter gave Cedric Diggory the clue to the first task. Dragons.
Yes, she was there.
Not being stalkerish. She just loved the twizard tornument.
Her siblings had told her about the first one, many years ago. Before the age of 17 was the age you could compete.
Her uncle was in it, he was a Hufflepuff too. People seem to look at Hufflepuff as a house that has no meaning.
But obvisouly, years later, her family would find out that her Great-Grandmother, Helga Hufflepuff had given Lord Voldemort the original Hufflepuff cup.
Mia wished that Harry knew about her. But, he just loved Cho from Ravenclaw. Everybody knew that. Even if he didn't think so. Cho blabbed so much in the girls room about the two boys who liked her, Cedric and Harry.
Mia took one last sip of her Butterbeer, and stepped out side into the crisp air of Hogsmeade.
Without looking where she was walking, she had bumped into somebody.
And he said, "Oh, Sorry. Mia."
She looked up and said, "It's okay." She realized who it was. Harry. Harry Potter.
"How did you know my name?" She asked.
" I know your name because of Hermione Granger. You're in her Arithmatic class." Harry said.
"Oh. Yes. Yes, that's right." Mia liked Hermione, she was always kind.
"Well, I better be off. I'm actually meeting Hermione and Ron now." Harry said.
With that, he went inside, and she walked back to Hogwarts with a smile.
This would be the story she would tell her children someday. That yes, she got to talk to the famous Harry Potter, and that yes, He destroyed their Great-Grandmother's cup to save the world from a dangeous man named Lord Voldermort. Who surley, would have killed her for being a half blood and being her Great Grandmothr's Great-Grandaughter. if it was not for that famous Harry Potter.
* Mia is my character. Hogwarts, Harry and Hermione and Ron belong to J.K.Rowling. As well as Cho, Cedric, Lord Voldermort and The Triwizard Tournement, Hogsmeade, and Butterbeer, and Arithmatic class, also so is Helga Hufflepuff To learn more about their stories, you can read in Harry Potter the Goblet of Fire.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Moon Fairy
There once was a fairy.
Who was anything but ordinary.
She didn't like trees, grass, or dirt.
She liked to lurk around at night.
Amazed by the stars,
she sat down on an iron rod,
and gazed at the sky.
Then one day.
Something magical happened.
Her wings grew large.
Almost as big as Aunt Marge*
She said to herself "Oh My."
As the wings lifted her up to the Moon.
She soared and she soared.
Until her wings could do no more.
Then she landed. Right on top of the Moon.
Where she could see something more spectular.
A Lunar Eclipse beginning.
And that is why she isn't ordinary.
She prefers the sights and sounds of Outer Space.
Too her, they look like dresses made of Lace.
Now she sits, and grabs a star.
As she holds the star,
it glows.
Slowly, she begins to sleep.
Without having to count Sheep
She is finally home, a home that is
indeed ordinary for her.
*Aunt Marge is a character in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. She is very fat, and also Harry's Aunt. He blows her up like a balloon when she talks about Mrs. and Mr. Potter in a very nasty way. You can learn more about her in Chapter 2, Aunt Marge's Big Mistake.
Who was anything but ordinary.
She didn't like trees, grass, or dirt.
She liked to lurk around at night.
Amazed by the stars,
she sat down on an iron rod,
and gazed at the sky.
Then one day.
Something magical happened.
Her wings grew large.
Almost as big as Aunt Marge*
She said to herself "Oh My."
As the wings lifted her up to the Moon.
She soared and she soared.
Until her wings could do no more.
Then she landed. Right on top of the Moon.
Where she could see something more spectular.
A Lunar Eclipse beginning.
And that is why she isn't ordinary.
She prefers the sights and sounds of Outer Space.
Too her, they look like dresses made of Lace.
Now she sits, and grabs a star.
As she holds the star,
it glows.
Slowly, she begins to sleep.
Without having to count Sheep
She is finally home, a home that is
indeed ordinary for her.
*Aunt Marge is a character in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. She is very fat, and also Harry's Aunt. He blows her up like a balloon when she talks about Mrs. and Mr. Potter in a very nasty way. You can learn more about her in Chapter 2, Aunt Marge's Big Mistake.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Forrester, a Welcome to Bordertown Inspired Story
I'm dancing. I spin and I spin, I see Robin Hood in his hat. I see a Queen Elf in a beautiful white ball gown.
The music isn't just any kind of music. It's a cello, and a man with no emotion. But the music alone is his emotion. You can almost see the notes flying around all of us in the Dancing Ferret. All of us move to the sound.
When I spin back around, I see a man who looks out of place at the Good Faerie's ball. He's dressed in all black. The green lights decend upon him. He's looking at his phone, and his wand is glowing in his back pocket.
A favorite friend calls my name. I get distracted. I chat for a bit, but really my minds on him. I turn back around. He's gone. I only looked away for less than 30 seconds. How is this possible?
Where did he go? I begin looking. I look, and I look, and then I see him. out by the Gazebo. Talking to himself.
When he sees me, he turns around. He smiles, but there's something still odd. I stood still. He walked toward me.
"My name is Forrester, the keeper of this land." He says, and he bows.
"My name is Cordelia, a daughter of water and the Lunar Harvest Moon." I say, my voice is stuttering.
"Do not be afraid. Come with me." He says.
I follow, and we walk into the Gazebo. The fairy lights are twinkling all around us, and then, in one moment they aren't.
We are soaring. Soaring through the night sky. He says, "Hold on tight."
I do. Finally, we land. but in an odder place.
He says, "Welcome to Bordertown."
"The in-between land of the fae and mortals." He explains. l am curious, so I listen to him more. He explains about how humans and all creatures end up here. That 13 years have gone by since the last time Humans were allowed back into Earth.
Cautiously, I follow him when he walks into a bar, called, "The Dancing Ferret."
Then I remember. A hot summer ago. A book that I read. Called. "Welcome To Bordertown."
A place I've wanted to go. to get away. a place of safety.
"Careful now. It is a magical land, but we have our dangers too." Forrester says, reading my mind.
"Okay. But I'm ready to go in." We do.
and we dance for what seems like days to a band he says is "Faun."
I say without any worries of my future or my families, "Forrester. I think I could stay here forever."
And he says, "Welcome to Bordertown, My Lady." He bows, and takes my hand and slowly, together we dance until the moon sets outside of the magical Dancing Ferret.
The Dancing Ferret, and the Title Welcome To Bordertown belongs to the wonderful authors of the actual book which can be found in your local Barnes and Noble and library,My insperation of this story specifically to Ellen Kushner and the series creator, Terri Windling who I was able to spend time with.
Also the name of the band, Faun, is a real live band with amazing musical skills from Germany.
If the authors of Welcome to Bordertown get a change to read this, It would be amazing! and I'm so thankful for them!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Places to get to Faerie
1. Faerie Ring.
These are usually white mushrooms in a circle, or little rocks.
Don't step on them, they break easily, and you might get bad luck!
Faerie Rings are best approached by caution: Bring a snack with you, such as a cake or something even sweeter.
3. The In-Between. In between doors, in between day and night. Midnight. Is known for some faerie creatures to show themselves. But these ones, are not so nice. Proceed with caution!!
4. Trees. Especially trees with holes in them, their might be a faerie dwelling. Just peak inside, and some friendly wood creaturesmay come!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
A Faerie's Charm
An eerie chill goes down my back.
Something is near.
Mist surrounds. The cold cold cold fear of death approaches.
A Black cape.
A man with a long staff and a hood.
The Grim Reaper is standing.
With piece of parchement with names.
His voice is spooky. No. its terryfing like no other.
But then something bright comes. something fantastic.
The beauty and grace of a Faerie.
I hear her sofltly chanting in an old celtic language.
The hooded man is vanquished.
She comes to me. And says,
"Do not worry, do not fear. He will no longer lear."
With that she is gone,
and the warmth hugs around me.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Nikki and The Raven
Niki woke up the next day. She was sure she imagined that little hand in the tree.. And the fairy house inside it. It just wasn't possible.
It was so unreal. Meeting a Fairy had been a dream of hers since she was a little girl. Now, closer to Halloween it seemed even more mystical.
When Niki got out of bed, she looked at her hands and noticed something had changed with them.
They were clean, almost shiny. And was that? No... It was silver dust all over hands.
Niki's head spun around. There was a Raven at her window. Talking to her. No. that couldn't be possible. Ravens didn't even exist in Baltimore except the football team and at the Zoo.
She opened the window.
"Yes?" She asked scared.. not so sure.
"Miss, I'm sorry to bug you. but Caedmon would like you to come back as soon as possible."
"Yes, okay, sure that sounds great.. but I was at my Grandmother's farm, and I have no idea how to get there again." Niki was talking so fast that the bird almost looked frightened.
"It is alright, Deary. I can take you."
"How?" Niki asked, her eyes widened.
"Hold on to my feathers, gently."
Nikki took his feathers caustiously, and they dissappeared. Away from the Inner Harbor, everything around them spinned.
"I Don't Like this!!" Niki screamed, but less than a half an hour later, they were at the tree again.'
"Here you go Miss, and if you ever need anything, just say "Arland"
Still dizzy, Nikki looked at her watch:
It was 2:30 p.m. already.
In front of her, there were several eyes looking at her through tiny windows. She peered down, and looked and said,
They flew back, all except one. Caedmon .
"Welcome to the Fae world, Madame, here, is where we will teach you how to become our newest Fae Guardian."
Niki watched in Silence. Then, all of a sudden, she started to shrink, she shrunk and she shrunk until she was the height of Arland.
"This. is. Not. Good." Niki thought, but she followed inside, where they were all waiting for her patiently, and she was determined to find out more about this world called Fae.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Metal, is a curious thing.
In all the fairy stories,
its a little dangerous every time a fairy touches it.
Metal. it's in our daily lives.
We sit on it, we make jewerly out of it.
It's used as Swords, and for our dinning needs.
We fear it during a lightening storm.
We hide underneathe it during an earthquake.
Metal, is a wonderous element.
But to the Fae it scares.
They coil at it as it sends sparks every time they touch it.
Metal. It's used as a weapon. a Rockband Music Genre.
It's associated with the darkside.
The fairies never wonder, they just know, that it's dangerous.
So why aren't we more afraid of what it can do?
Maybe its a warning, a warning of pain and sorrow.
Metal. The most popular element. Sits between two realms:
Light and Dark.
It's powerful. It's shiny. It's rusty. It's clean.
We should be cautious with
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
The Love of Ronald Weasley
Growing up with six siblings, five of them boys, and the youngest, a girl, was always a tough one for 16 year old Ron Weasley. The burrow was cramped, he had his own room, but when Harry came to visit, it was always about Harry. How Harry should save the world, how he got out of using underage magic all the time.
One time, Ron remembered when he was younger, that he had used the spell Fred and George had given him to turn his now, well, human Rat yellow. Dad had had a fit, saying he couldn't use magic, neither of them could. But Harry was special.
Hermione and Ron often talked about this, but they loved their best friend and knew he was struggling on dealing with this.
Secretly, Ron's mind was else where when Hermione talked. Her hair, all those curls bounced as she moved, He liked her buck teeth, they gave her a personaility different from others. She was brave, brave to smack Malfoy in the face in their third year.
Now, he had left her behind. He was stupid. Harry and Hermione were out there all alone. in the dark. He had no idea how to get back to them, especially Hermione. He knew now, Hermione was his one and only true love.
Lavendar was his mistake. He never liked her.
Once she told him,
"Won-Won, do you think we will ever get married someday?" Bloody hell, how he hated that name.
He replied,
"Bloody Hell. We're only 16 Lavender." It may have been harsh at the time,
because she had bursted out in too tears and went to the girls labatory with Parvati.
Something broke his train of thought.
He heard her, her voice. He didn't know where it was coming from, but he knew it was Hermione.
she said, "Don't you wish we could just stay like this, in this place for ever? Where nobody can bug us?"
Ron wondered what she meant, and was hoping for a location, but the voice dimmed again.
He realized, it was the delumintaor that Professor Dumbledore had given him through his will.
Why had Dumbledore taken him into account? He was just Harry's friend.. Nobody.
A few days later,
He heard Hermione's voice again.
"We will stay here tonight. The forest of Dean."
Ron rushed. He rushed as quickly as he could, Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley were visiting an old friend, and he would leave them a note.
He left a seperate one for Ginny for his parents to send by Owl,
and to let her know in code that Harry was alright,even though he bloody dumped her, and Ginny was still not over him, and wanted to know that he was okay.
As he backed out of the house, Ron disapperated.
Spinning and Spinning until it seemed like for ever, he finally landed into a dark forest.
He was closer. He could feel Hermione. He could also feel panic, and worry from Harry. He was introuble.
Ron ran, and sure enough was Harry, stuck at the bottom of a lake with a sword. Bloody Hell. The boy should know after the Triwizard Tournmate he can't swim.
Ron dove into the cold cold ice, and rescued Harry as Harry breathed, He spoke,
"Thanks Mate."
A few days later, Hermione wasn't forgiving him. In fact. She was furious with him, and almost set birds on him.
How long? How long would she be mad?
These thoughts pondered, as they walked and traveled into Hogsmeade and then into Hogwarts, where death and the evils of all evils, Lord Voldermort would come and try to take everything they knew away them, but Ron was not going to let him take Hermione. Not ever again, Not after what Bellatrix did to her, this time, he said to her:
"Hermione. I promise. I'm not going anywhere this time. and I'm not letting go." He took her hand, and together they went into the Chamber of Secrets hand in hand ready to save the world.
(A Fanfiction Story of Ron Weasley from his Point of View, the character is not mine, and neither are the locations of the story)
Sunday, September 30, 2012
The Queen of Hearts has a Cold Cold Heart
In Wonderland, Alice is the herione, and the Queen of Hearts wants to chop off everbody's head. But one thing we don't know, is why the Queen of Hearts loves doing the chopping.
"For heavensakes, Melinda. Please do the proper thing and chance before dinner, that black is not the color of our kingdom, Pink is."
"NO! I will not. I do not want people to see who I really am." Melinda, the thirteen year old princes squeaked back.
"Well. I'm the mother, what I say goes. No matter what." So the princess's mother took her daughter and dragged her into her full of pink chambers. Around it, you could see magically charmed pink fluffy clouds, hearts that opened and closed.. Some of them red, and violet, but still, mostly pink.
Melinda hated this room, it was all things she loathed. She liked dark colors: Black, Brown, Mud, any shade of grey, and most of all, Red. The color of Anger.
However, in her mothers chamber, these hearts symbolized love. and passion, and the most romantic holiday of the year, Valentine's Day.
Her parents palace was the headquartes for where the very St. Valentine lived, and Cupid.
It. Was absoutely disgusting.
After a long struggle, Melinda surrendered, and was put into the pinkiest gown she had ever saw:
It had sparkles, hearts, and flowers. The hearts glowed with every step she took, and the sparkles changed the color of the dress from Pink to Hot Pink to Violet and back to pink.
"Come my darling, it's time for our dinner. They are celeberating me, becoming the new Queen of Hearts! This is going to be so exciting!"
Melinda restrained from stomping and screaming, but, she pouted all the way to the feast.
In the doorway, the white rabbit annouced the Queen and her daughter,
"My people of Wonderland! It is the Queen of Hearts and her Daughter, Melinda!"
The feast went on for hours, with heart shaped cakes and heart shaped flowers. Not only that, but Cupid himself took a few swings with his arrow at everyone.
To catch her breathe from this dreadfull day, Melinda walked onto the balcony. And wished, adn wished,
that she would be come the Queen of Hearts, but rule as the most powerful woman of all, not as somebody who was in Love with Love and pink and sparkles, like her mother.
All of a sudden,
a twinkling light came up to her and said,
"Melinda, my darling, you should not think those dreadful thoughts. But I hear your wish. I know your future, and if this is the path you are willing to take, then you must do so, but carefully!" The little twinkling light whispered in her ear.
Melinda took one look at the most ugliest dress she has worn, and said, "Yes. This is the wish that I most desiere. but with one more thing, to be grown up, and to have no parents at all."
The twinkling light nodded, and with a flash, Melinda aged to age 25, and the room around her froze.
She went back in, after the twinkling light vanished. And took one look at her parents and said,
"I despise both of you. For making me wear this dress." She spit in both of their faces, and unfroze time.
Confused, her mother and father looked at their 25 year old daughter with fear. And wondered, what had happened.
"You no longer rule this kingdom. I do." With a wand she pulled out, in the shape of a heart, she shouted to the White Rabbit,
"OFF With Their Heads!"
30 years later:
Melinda ruled as the most wicked Queen of Hearts wonderland had ever saw. The only person she seemed to like was the Mad Hatter, who seemed sane to her. The two married, but one day,
Mad Hatter brought in a girl with pretty blonde hair and a blue dress,
"Her name, is Alice, Madame." whispered the White Rabbit.
With more anger than ever before, in her black robe, and her covered face and red heart wand, Melinda rose.
"Why is there a human in my land?"
Before Alice could even speak, Melinda said, "OFF WITH HER HEAD!" and the girl vanished.
The Wicked Queen of Hearts is a sad story to tell, but she is so bitter because of having no family at all. She chopped of her parents head with no worries of how it would affect her later. Living alone, with no feelings, except for a tiny little light in her heart for the Mad Hatter. But even that, wasn't enough to supress the regret she had.
From the time that Alice came and Left, to the time that the Evil Queen from Storybrooke came with somebody poseing as the real Mad Hatter, Melinda had locked all their hearts away, so they too, could feel the pain she had to go through.
And remind everybody, that a girl really does need a mother who is kind, caring, and gentle. Without a mother's love, or any kind of love, yes, even the annoying little man Cupid (who was the second head chopped off), being a lone was not the what she ever desired, and if she could do it all again she would.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Nikki and the Faerie Ring
On a tree, theres a litte tiny chestnut colored door.
There are mushroom with red tops and poka dots in a ring around the mini door handle.
When Nikki walks closer too it, I try and touch the mushrooms, but something snaps at her.. A little small hand.
"HEY!" The little voice squeaks at me, "nobody touches the mushrooms, especially you, human!"
Taken a back, Nikki looks down. What she sees is enchanting, so enchanting that she can't breathe.
"Okay, miss, take a deep breath. I'm just a fairy. Im not gunna harm you but my King may if he notices a human here, so not to be rude, but scram.
"Wait! Wait just a minute. You're a fairy. I've read about you. I just never thought I would get to meet one in real life." Nikki exclaimed.
"Yes. Yes, i Know what I am.. but you, you need to leave..."
"No!! I've dreamted about this my whole life. Please, just let me see in side, It will only take a milisecond..
"Allright.. You seem to have some sort of ability even if you can see me."
Nikki took the little fae's hand,and followed him through the door. She had no idea how this was happening, but as the door opened, she shrunk down too a size smaller than a mushroom.
What she saw around her was a tiny world. with Tiny teacups, tables, and chairs. With pink and gold flowers on the table.
The windows had mini pumpkin on them, and from a far, she could see more of another magical world....
"Miss. I'm sorry.. but your time is up.. I just got word that the Queen and King are on there way."
"But I Just got here!"
"Now... you must leave. If you come back tomorrow precisley at 2:30 p.m., then you I will have the Princess meet you.. but for now you must leave!"
With that the little fae pushed Nikki through the door, and locked it behind her. In an instant she was flown back farther away from the mushrooms, and into the Oak tree forest, and landed on the doorstop of her home.
There are mushroom with red tops and poka dots in a ring around the mini door handle.
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Fairy Ring |
When Nikki walks closer too it, I try and touch the mushrooms, but something snaps at her.. A little small hand.
"HEY!" The little voice squeaks at me, "nobody touches the mushrooms, especially you, human!"
Taken a back, Nikki looks down. What she sees is enchanting, so enchanting that she can't breathe.
"Okay, miss, take a deep breath. I'm just a fairy. Im not gunna harm you but my King may if he notices a human here, so not to be rude, but scram.
"Wait! Wait just a minute. You're a fairy. I've read about you. I just never thought I would get to meet one in real life." Nikki exclaimed.
"Yes. Yes, i Know what I am.. but you, you need to leave..."
"No!! I've dreamted about this my whole life. Please, just let me see in side, It will only take a milisecond..
"Allright.. You seem to have some sort of ability even if you can see me."
Nikki took the little fae's hand,and followed him through the door. She had no idea how this was happening, but as the door opened, she shrunk down too a size smaller than a mushroom.
What she saw around her was a tiny world. with Tiny teacups, tables, and chairs. With pink and gold flowers on the table.
The windows had mini pumpkin on them, and from a far, she could see more of another magical world....
"Miss. I'm sorry.. but your time is up.. I just got word that the Queen and King are on there way."
"But I Just got here!"
"Now... you must leave. If you come back tomorrow precisley at 2:30 p.m., then you I will have the Princess meet you.. but for now you must leave!"
With that the little fae pushed Nikki through the door, and locked it behind her. In an instant she was flown back farther away from the mushrooms, and into the Oak tree forest, and landed on the doorstop of her home.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Quick Statemment of My work
This site is mainly a fanfiction site, stories originated by me and my imagination. The characters are J.K. Rowlings, and ABC's Once Upon a time.Also, I will have photos from google images and maybe a few of my own drawings.
I will have my own characters too. I just wanted to give a statement, and I hope you all enjoy the imagnination of Fairytales I have become to love
---Sincerely, Ellen
I will have my own characters too. I just wanted to give a statement, and I hope you all enjoy the imagnination of Fairytales I have become to love
---Sincerely, Ellen
The Mad Hatter's Portal and Purple Magic
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The art work in this Photo is not mine, but from GoogleImages |
There are mirrors. Mirrors everywhere.
It's intense. so intense, that even the evil Queen from ABC's Once Upon a Time shows up.
But not by herself, with the Mad Hatter.
He takes her into his hat full of flashing purple magic and they ente into Wonderland.
I'm watching them step through the hat. I follow them. The hat's still simmering, but wait, there is another person going through.
It's Profesor Snap in full gear. Black cloak, black everything. Why is he here? Following the Mad Hatter and the Evil Queen?
We all go through. But they don't seem to notice me. We land in a room with more mirrors. These mirrors though are not ordinary, I can already tell. The glass is moving, and what you can see inside them is amazing.
Paris, France in one mirror. London, England in another. Wonderland in the middle. That's where The Evil Queen and the Mad Hatter go through. I know that story, again, from Once Upon a Time. I don't desire to follow them.
Instead I choose to follow Professor Snap. He goes into London, England. I wonder where he's headed. Buts somethings pulling me away from his story, so I end up going my own way.
I walk and I walk, viewing the sites, and occasionally there is a Mirror with another view.
In one of them I see the Evil Queen and The Mad Hatter. The other one, Professor Snape pops back out of the looking glass mirror.
This time, I run, I run and follow him. To his goal. Whatever that may be.
Of course, I think to myself. Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, and Emma Watson pop up out of a purple hat.
But dressed as regular people, with wands, talking to Professor Snape. I can only hear a little bit of it, and it looks like they are about to leave.
Profesor Snap says: Come with me, and then he turns around and looks quizzically at me.
They notice I'm here. I'm not supposed to be here. All of sudden, there is purple light outside of the Mad Hatter's hat and the four of them step through, and I am standing on the street next to Big Ben, the clock strikes 12,

The Beginning
Once up on a time, there was little girl. A little American Girl who had read fairytales at her Grandparents house when she was just 6 years.
As this little girl grew older, a bigger, more powerful fairy tale came along. You know it, I know it, the whole world knows the name of this fairy tale:
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone, by J.K. Rowling.
This book encouraged the little girl to read, but in turn, it didn't have the regular princess and prince she was used too, but something much more.
Fictional Characters that became her life friend, who helped her through everything and all the struggles in the world.
That little girl believed that anything was possible after reading those books, and because of it, She now speaks French, writes her own books (when she has time) explores other lands, and explores the opporutines of her life.
If you can't guess who she is, it's me. This page is going to be written by me, with experts from my fairytale land in my head, pictures of fairies, unicorns, and dragons. Witches, wizards, and even Hogwarts.
So, I hope you enjoy, and enter through the Looking Glass, because for all you know, you may just discover a dream world of your own. Sometimes this page will be in green text and I will tell you why below.
This page will sometimes be in Green Text because I dedicate this page to J.K. Rowling and her characters, along to the Cast of Characters who have bought my favorite fictional friends to life: Daniel Radcliffe,(Harry Potter) Rupert Grint, (Ron Weasley)and Emma Watson (Hermione Granger).
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