Monday, December 10, 2012

Mia, the Hufflepuff a Short Story

In Hogsmeade,  a girl named Mia sits.   She is wearing a yellow scarf, a badger on her cloak, and starring at somebody.
         He doesn't know her. Or for that matter, has ever heard her name.

She knows him.  He's Harry Potter. And she's just, well, Mia.
     She also knows that Harry Potter gave  Cedric Diggory the clue to the first task. Dragons.

Yes, she was there.
            Not being stalkerish.  She just loved the twizard tornument.

Her siblings had told her about the first one,  many years ago.  Before the age of 17 was the age you could compete.
       Her uncle was in it, he was a Hufflepuff too.  People seem to  look at Hufflepuff as a house that has no meaning.
         But obvisouly, years later, her family would find out that her Great-Grandmother, Helga Hufflepuff  had given  Lord Voldemort the original Hufflepuff cup.
    Mia wished that Harry knew about her.  But, he just loved Cho from Ravenclaw. Everybody knew that. Even if he didn't think so.  Cho blabbed so much in the girls room about the two boys who liked her, Cedric and  Harry.

Mia took one last sip of her Butterbeer, and stepped out side into the crisp air of Hogsmeade.
   Without looking where she was walking, she had bumped into somebody.

And  he said, "Oh, Sorry. Mia."

 She looked up and said,  "It's okay."  She realized who it was. Harry. Harry Potter.

"How did you know my name?" She asked.

" I know your name because of Hermione Granger. You're in her Arithmatic class." Harry said.

"Oh. Yes. Yes, that's right."  Mia liked Hermione, she was always kind.

"Well, I better be off.  I'm actually meeting Hermione and Ron now." Harry said.

With that, he went inside, and she walked back to Hogwarts with a smile.

This would be the story she would tell her children someday. That yes, she got to talk to the famous Harry Potter,  and that yes,  He destroyed their Great-Grandmother's cup  to save the world from a dangeous man named Lord Voldermort. Who surley, would have killed her for being a half blood and being  her Great Grandmothr's  Great-Grandaughter.  if it was not for that famous Harry Potter.
* Mia is my character. Hogwarts, Harry and Hermione and Ron belong to J.K.Rowling. As well as Cho, Cedric,  Lord Voldermort and The Triwizard Tournement, Hogsmeade, and Butterbeer, and Arithmatic class, also so is Helga Hufflepuff  To learn more about their stories, you can read in Harry Potter the Goblet of Fire.

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