Monday, December 17, 2012

Poster Fairy

  Dear Diary,
          My name is Cora.  I have this dream of becoming Poster Fairy.   You know, like one of Amy Brown's paintings?
               Just once..   It would be amazing. to be famous.. though,  I think maybe I'd be annoymous.  But then again who knows.

Poster Fairies are everywhere. I know some of them.  They're what humans are called: Models.  You only get selected if you're  skinny, beautiful, and willing to have tons of make up on.
  Why Diary, can't their be  a normal Fairy?  Yes, we are beautiful.  I consider myself beautiful, but not in a Princess way. 
                I consider myself good enough to be a Brain Froud fairy.  I live in the woods,  with many different creatures.
             My purple color brightens them.  But I do it to make them happy, not as  a selfish act.

You see.  Those  pretty, skimpy fairies do Posters as  a selfish act.  To get attention.  Me. I would do it to bring all the sad woodland creatures  like mice back to life.
  I've heard whispers of  girls through the woods  wishing they had fairy magic.   I wish  I could give them a  bit of mine.  To let them know, how  that they too can be beautiful.
            It is from them I have heard of this Brain Froud, an artist from England.  Who accepts all kinds of  creatures. Of all colors.
            Maybe. Someday, he'll find me in his back yard, and paint me. That is a wish, Diary.

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