Friday, September 28, 2012

The Beginning

 Once up on a time, there was little girl.   A little American Girl who  had read fairytales at her Grandparents house when she was just 6 years.
       As this little girl grew older,  a bigger, more powerful fairy tale came along. You know it, I know it, the whole world knows the name of this fairy tale:
       Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone, by J.K. Rowling.

 This book encouraged the little girl to read, but in turn, it didn't have the regular princess and prince she was used too, but  something much more.
  Fictional Characters that became her life friend, who helped her through everything and all the struggles in the world.

    That little girl believed that anything was possible after reading those books, and because of it,  She now speaks French, writes her own books (when she has time)  explores other lands,  and  explores the opporutines of her life.

   If you can't guess who she is, it's me.  This page is going to be written by me, with experts from my fairytale land in my head, pictures of fairies, unicorns, and dragons. Witches, wizards, and even Hogwarts.
             So, I hope you enjoy, and enter through the Looking Glass, because for all you know, you may just discover a dream world of your own. Sometimes this page will be in green text and I will tell you why below.

This page will sometimes be in Green Text because I dedicate this page to J.K. Rowling and her characters, along  to the Cast of Characters who have bought my favorite fictional friends to life: Daniel Radcliffe,(Harry Potter) Rupert Grint, (Ron Weasley)and Emma Watson (Hermione Granger).

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