Saturday, September 29, 2012

Nikki and the Faerie Ring

    On a  tree, theres a litte tiny chestnut  colored  door. 
     There are mushroom with red tops and poka dots in a ring around the mini door handle.
Fairy Ring

When Nikki walks closer too it, I try and touch the mushrooms, but something snaps at her..  A little small hand.
     "HEY!" The  little voice squeaks at me, "nobody touches the mushrooms, especially you, human!"

 Taken a back, Nikki looks down.  What she sees is enchanting, so enchanting  that she can't breathe.

"Okay, miss, take a deep breath. I'm just a fairy.  Im not gunna harm you but my King may if he notices a human here, so  not to be rude, but scram.

  "Wait! Wait just a minute. You're a fairy. I've read about you.  I just never thought I would get to meet one in real life." Nikki exclaimed.
      "Yes. Yes, i Know what I am.. but you, you need to leave..."

"No!! I've dreamted about this my whole life. Please, just let me see in side, It will only take a milisecond..
            "Allright.. You seem to have some sort of ability even if you can see me."

Nikki took the little fae's hand,and followed him through the door.  She had no idea how this was happening, but as the door opened, she shrunk down too a size smaller than a mushroom.

What she saw around her was a tiny world. with Tiny teacups,  tables, and   chairs.  With pink and gold flowers on the table.
      The windows had mini pumpkin on them, and from a far, she could see more of another magical world....
     "Miss. I'm sorry.. but your time is up..  I just got word that the Queen and King are on there way."

"But I Just got here!"

"Now... you must leave.  If you come back tomorrow precisley at 2:30 p.m., then you  I will have the Princess  meet you.. but for now you must leave!"

With that the little fae  pushed Nikki through the door, and locked it behind her. In an instant she was flown back  farther away from the mushrooms, and into the  Oak tree forest, and  landed on the doorstop of her home.

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