Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Faerie's Charm

       An eerie chill goes down my back.
       Something is near.
       I see in the corner a black cat learing at me.
        Mist surrounds.  The cold cold cold fear of death approaches.
        A Black cape.
         A man with a long staff and a hood.
          The Grim Reaper is standing.
           With piece of parchement with names.
           His voice is spooky. No. its terryfing like no other.
            But then something bright comes. something fantastic.
            The beauty and grace of a Faerie.
             I hear her sofltly chanting in an old celtic language.
              The hooded man is vanquished.
              She comes to me. And says,
                "Do not worry, do not fear. He will no longer lear."
                     With that she is gone,
                     and the warmth hugs around me.

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