Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Places to get to Faerie

1. Faerie Ring.
These are usually white mushrooms in a circle, or  little rocks.
 Don't step on them, they break easily, and you might get bad luck!

Faerie Rings are best  approached by caution:  Bring a  snack with you, such as  a cake or  something  even sweeter.

2.   Mirrors. Are known as portals throughout the land. Just becareful, cause  The Mad Hatter may just be around your corner!

3. The In-Between.  In between doors,  in between day and night. Midnight. Is known for some faerie creatures to  show themselves.  But these ones, are not so nice.  Proceed with caution!!

4. Trees.  Especially trees with holes in them, their might be a faerie dwelling.  Just peak inside, and  some friendly wood creaturesmay come!!

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