Thursday, August 21, 2014

Traveling to Paris and Wonderland by magical Dreams

 It is said that  a few mortals can learn how to astral project by dreaming.   This summer, there happened to be a fascinating story about a girl who astral projected in her dreams to Paris through Alice in Wonderland's rabbit hole.

    Our story starts with  a dreamer who loves to travel. The dreamer also loves to learn about historical events, magic,  fairies, and Paris and Scotland.  The trip to pairs started on her bed in a deep sleep, and her inner desires. 

  The first thing she noticed is that the street was busy, and the Eiffel tower was near by.  The second thing she noticed was that it was cold out because it was snowing and everyone was wearing scarfs and hats.   She however was not that cold,   and started her exploration into the city of lights.

  On the way to the Eiffel tower,  she spotted a couple of men cuddled  up together with French Coffee mugs.   Then past those two men she realized she was at the Eiffel Tower.   She walked up to the tower,  and paid the price to get inside.

The stairs were tiring,  very exhausting. It was mostly due to the fact that the girl was out of shape and not used to climbing stairs.   On the way up,  she met some  interesting people.   They were of different races and color,  some Asian,  some  Dutch.     They  talked to her and told her about the  Youth Hostel just a few blocks away where she could spend the night if she needed too.  The college students told her that it was at Le 123  Sebastopol and it would only take her about 20 minutes to walk there.

So she kept that in mind as she got to the top of the Tower. In awe she looked at the few of the green lawn covered in snow, and took a breathe. It felt like she was really here this time, in Paris, France.  She had never seen the people she just talked to, and that along was an interesting change.    After awhile her head was starting to get light headed from the height,  so she headed back down the stairs and that's when her astral projected self shifted the scene and she was at The Youth Hostel,  preparing for another Paris adventure.

This one was a little more fast paced,  and  it began to scare her as she was plopped into the Paris Catacombs.   She swear she saw a ghost,  but she kept walking and walking down the hallways. The hallways that were filled with ancient people and magic.   She sniffed the air,  and that's when she could smell the fluffy white fur  and  bunny ears.   She realized she was about to enter a different kind of  Paris, a magical one.

When she followed the white rabbit,   she fell down a hole, just like Alice.  Further and Further she went, until she fell right onto a chair,  and was sitting in front of the Alchemist, Nicholas Flamel, a Genie,  and she could sense that Rumpelstiltskin  was somewhere in the room.
flamel11.gif (28693 bytes)
Startled, Flamel asked her what she wanted, and she had three wishes.  The first one was a wish to teach  a boy that he was treating women wrong.  The second one was about finding love, or talking to someone special again.
   Third wish took her a minute to think about,  but then she came up with it.

" I wish to save enough money to go to Paris for Real and not just in my dreams!"

That was the only line she spoke out loud and that's what called her back to her bed, where she woke up with penny whose face was up ,  and she heard the quite whisper of Rumpelstiltskin  saying, "Remember, magic always comes with a price!"

Worried with what that price might be, she quickly checked on her cat, but  he was fine.  So the price may still come, but  she remembered the Genie and Alchemist  who loved animals of all kind,  and new they wouldn't ever hurt her cat.

The lesson of Astral Project is important, because it is something dangerous and not always fun,  so don't take pills to make it happen, let it come on it's own.   The dreamer just astral projected because of taking her regular medicines with bendryl,  to stop itching.   So be safe,  and do not try anything that is harmful to you!

Disclaimer:  All the photos except the one of the cat are not mine. Please do not use the photo of my cat, he is not for public use. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Southern Fairy Tale

In the deep south,   a  fairy land grows.  It is also connected to human land,  but mostly, the fairies run it.   The land has cabins, red dirt, and  popular electronic rides that humans use to fly as  high as they can in the sky.  There is even a one that looks like a spider, a creature the humans fear but fairies use to travel on. The fairies live here all year round,  but the humans come once a week, in the biggest in between week of July.  The week before August and school starts, to end the summer with games, fun, and talent. One fairy in particular likes to watch the silliness happen,  but she also guards the Fairground Gate her name is Mary Beth.

"Oy! Mary Beth!"  called Moss from a distance,  he was almost out of breath.

"What? Can't you see I'm trying to keep the trolls away from the fire?!" Mary Beth shouted, "Try to keep your mouth shut!"

Moss  flew forward and listened, he rarely did as he was told, but he knew about the Hot Air Balloons that would be put up for Monday night's beauty pageant.

"'Srry, Ma'am.  But Zandabar is just so stupid,  he wouldn't know to listen for the fire." Moss mumbled.

"Still,  we have to keep guard, because the in-betweeners are dumb and use the fire for pleasure, and will carry it with them into the Philadelphia Kutzu. " Mary Beth sighed.

   The two smiled at the thought,  but also feared for a battle at the beauty pageant that was to be held.  The pageant fairies were in a hurry all this week trying to get the contestants ready. Some of those constants didn't have any activities to put on their resume, so the fairies  made them up.     Though the contestants were dull, they were very pretty and Mary Beth always wanted to be one.

So, she decided despite inter-human  and fairy rules, she would join the pageant.  As Moss took his post,  Mary Beth flew off to the Hospitality cabin on Founder's square.

Here she signed up,  and hoped that her named would be announced over founder's square and the Grand stand this Monday night.

In prepartion, she went to the glamour fairies and asked to be made up.   On her way, she ran into a human. Her wings brushed up against him  and sparks flew.   When a Fairy and a human interact, it can go either very badly, or  romance can happen. In Mary Beth's case,    the spark meant  love.

The boy looked down on her, and said, "Well, hello, ma'am. It is pleasure to meet you!"  He had beautiful blue eyes and curly brown hair.

Unable to speak,  Mary Beth's wings fluttered for her.   He smiled back, and took her small hand.  Their eyes had finally met,  and they ended up talking for days and nights.  Until the pageant Monday, when he came out to support her and watch her win in her gorgeous Southern Dress.

Moss, in the mean time had been guarding and watching Mary Beth follow the human around like a dog on a leash.  For some reason, this particular human didn't feel right to Moss.   So on Monday night,  Mary Beth's biggest night,  Moss left the  Neshoba County Gate to watch. Not remembering about Zandabar and his gang of trolls,   they came in to the Neshoba County Fair grounds.

As soon as evening hit and the hot air balloons were lit,  the trolls charged the Grandstand not caring about which Pagent contestant they were about to hurt.

The boy who fell in love with Mary Beth was outraged, the Pageant was a traditon, and Mary Beth had ruined it by forgetting her duties to the human and the fairgrounds. Mary Beth  feeling  ashamed, went to join the fight.

"Mary Beth!" As  the southern boy shouted,  she turned around and shouted back,
"Not now!"  That may  have been the end of  her summer romance with a human if,  she had not just saved his life from the King Troll and was being burned by the hot air balloon fire.

Mary Beth threw her water glass and the other pagent contestans water glasses onto the air balloons, and that ended the King Troll's war against the humans. Here the southern boy thanked her and they both apoligized, and as all fairy tales go,
said "Happily Ever After," with a kiss. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Storm Faerie and Zeuss

There once was a fairy.
who could fly high in the sky.
So high, that she sat on the clouds.
There she sat for days, and decided that rain would be fun.
The Greek God Zeus agreed with her, and so he set lightening bolts that lit
up the sky.


On one of the days,  she decided not only would rain be fun,
but so would a flood.
So she sent cars flying because they were surprised.
Some skidded  on water, and others flipped on the sidewalk.
So Zeus stepped in, and told her enough.

Hurting people isn't fun,  and magic should be
used with great caution.

So then the storms ceased, and the
floods ended. The people were safe and sound,
and The Storm Fairy flew off her cloud,
into the morning sun.
*The art work is not mine.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Bird, The Cat, and The Hidden Fairy in the City

On a hill there was a cat.
 A cat who stalked like a lion.
It was just an ordinary house cat,
but it really wanted that pigeon.
Displaying IMAG0790.jpgMy own Photo
The region this cat was in was unusual,
because it was the city.  

But the green grass was lush and beautiful, filled with worms and other good things for the bird to collect.
The fairy that sat on the bird's back could see the the cat, 
though the cat that was stalking could not see her.
The fairy whispered into the birds ear,

"Watch out! He's about to pounce!"

So the bird flew up into the air, and the cat backed away. As if it was afraid of the bird.
So the bird flew down, unafraid and pounced right on the cat's tail.
Displaying IMAG0794.jpg My own photo. 
The cat screeched, and ran off into the row homes.
The fairy had a magic wand with her, and said,
"May be both the bird and the cat be safe from harm.
Especially from big trucks and buses that come through this tiny alley way."
With that the bird and the fairy flew off to the top of the roof,  to make sure her spell had worked, and it did.  So the moral of the story is that wherever you go, you always have to look ahead, because a cat may be out hunting a bird, and though it doesn't seem innocent,  it is an innocent creature to us, and we should all take care to be safe drivers in small alley ways. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Little Fairy and the Lady Bug

On a rainy, dreary day, a fairy was flying through the park.

nature storm trees
Though it was suppose to thunder and lightening, she was brave and  found a large oak tree that sheltered her.

    She was a determined fairy,  and didn't want to go home.  As she sat, she watched the mortals walk by with their animals.  Too distracted notice, a ladybug  had landed on her neck.
   Thinking it was a bigger bug,  the  tiny fairy almost smacked it.  But once it crawled until her hand, she realized that it was precious ladybug!
           It was so beautiful that she couldn't help herself but gaze for hours at all of it's spots.   Though the ladybug was kind, it finally got annoyed with the fairy and said,

"Look! I am not an object! Take a picture! It will last longer!" Shocked by this outburst by the little lady bug, the fairy apologized.

"I am sorry, I was just gazing at your beauty,  and I have learned from my Queen that ladybugs bring good luck and good weather!"

The little ladybug squeaked and said, " Yes, we do.   Here,  when  I open my wings to flutter,  the luck  will sprinkle onto you!"

The fairy sat in quiet, and then replied "Thank you, and I promise to  keep all of your ladybugs safe in storms like these."

With that,  the ladybug fluttered it's wings and flew off of the fairy's hand, and squeaked back, "Thank you,   your protection of us is a high honor!"
   The fairy sat for while longer under the beautiful oak tree and thought to herself that she should take better care of nature than she does. In fact,   right then and there,  instead of keeping the sparkles the ladybug gave her,  she gave them to the large oak tree.  Who needed the luck to continue to shelter  other fairies and creatures just like the ladybug.

The ladybug's main message here is to remind us that nature is precious, a privilege, and a gift.  That to harm a fairy ring in a park, such as Patterson Park,  is only harming yourself.  The ladybug also reminds us that it is a good thing to do something for others, such as the little fairy giving her lucky sparkles to the tree instead of herself!  That said,  remember to preserve  nature as you would preserve yourself, your families and friends!

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Dandelion Fairy

A dandelion flies by with something  shimmering on it.
  It is a tiny fairy, no older than    5 year old child.
  It has a bluebells for  a hat,  and a tulip for a dress.
   It is less amused by humans, but satisfied by cats.
  Dogs are friends, but  sometimes enemies.

A fairy is meant for nature, to live and make flowers grow.

Time will tell how much this little fairy means,  and soon she may become Queen.
Her powers are limitless,  she can move time forward and backward,
but most importantly she heals our planet.
Especially when our planet needs a band aid.

The Dandelion Fairy is a happy one,  who loves the sun.

She wishes she could touch it,  but her guardians tell her no.
And remind her softly,  that the sun is too much, and she must walk away from the burning rays.

The Sun can be damaging,  but is healthy all the same.  So the little fairy has a message, to remind you that the bluebell hat and wearing a tulip for a dress is better to wear when the sunshine is shinning, then getting your wings completely burnt.

She had learned her lesson,  and will continue to teach others, that even though flying on a Dandelion is fun, so protecting yourself from the dangers of the glimmering sun rays.

~The art work is not mine ~

Friday, January 17, 2014

The 99 years it took and A Fairy for true Freedom

There once was a southern fairy
 who was always merry.
She was sugar and spice and everything sweet.
But then a war came.
A war for Freedom.
She watched the demons
and exclaimed

"Why? Why must You  fight?"

They did not answer, but instead
continued the riot against the innocent.
The slaves.

Though they battled on, she cheered as much as she could.
For the Freedom.
But even when Freedom came,
it was lame,
because segregation remained.

So evil still existed for 99 more years.
People beating up people.
And The Southern Fairy
who believed blacks and whites were equal
couldn't take it anymore.

So her heart hardened,  and she began to leer.
Until she found someone.
Who she knew
would save this ugly world.

Then her heart thawed,
and she gave peace.
After all the sufferings
The Southern Fairy saw,
the law had finally made it safe
for both blacks and whites.
And with that she was pleased,
and happy to guide

The Great  Man
Martin Luther King Junior
who made peace through the

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Earth Fairy and Her Wonders

She's not a huntress or a killer.
  She's beautiful and a protector.
She lives in the Artic, The Woodlands,
and the Sea.

She is a protector of animals.
A healer,  and the most beautiful fairy you will ever meet.
When you come across her, she could be glimmering with ice.
Or covered in golden leaves.
When you feel her,
she can be soft as a kitten.
She is who she feels like she wants to be.

She controls the senses, sights, and smells of every human.
She loves her Earth.  She's not Mother Nature.
But she is  Mother Nature's Daughter.

She does have flaws,  she can be tempted easily.
So if you ever cross her path, she may just send
an arctic  blast.

But once she calms down,  she melts the icicles,
icebergs, and snow.
And gently reminds you
that Animals are precious,
and that nature isn't a force to be reckoned with.

So she thaws,  and so does the Earth and Spring comes again, even if it is
just for a couple of days.

The lesson that we should learn from The Earth Fairy
is that our planet is not just home,
and that when  the sun shines again,
remember  not to take things for granted,
but enjoy them as they come along.