She was sugar and spice and everything sweet.
But then a war came.
A war for Freedom.
She watched the demons
and exclaimed
"Why? Why must You fight?"
They did not answer, but instead
continued the riot against the innocent.
The slaves.
Though they battled on, she cheered as much as she could.
For the Freedom.
But even when Freedom came,
it was lame,
because segregation remained.
So evil still existed for 99 more years.
People beating up people.
And The Southern Fairy
who believed blacks and whites were equal
couldn't take it anymore.
So her heart hardened, and she began to leer.
Until she found someone.
Who she knew
would save this ugly world.
Then her heart thawed,
and she gave peace.
After all the sufferings
The Southern Fairy saw,
the law had finally made it safe
for both blacks and whites.
And with that she was pleased,
and happy to guide
The Great Man
Martin Luther King Junior
who made peace through the
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