It is said that a few mortals can learn how to astral project by dreaming. This summer, there happened to be a fascinating story about a girl who astral projected in her dreams to Paris through Alice in Wonderland's rabbit hole.
Our story starts with a dreamer who loves to travel. The dreamer also loves to learn about historical events, magic, fairies, and Paris and Scotland. The trip to pairs started on her bed in a deep sleep, and her inner desires.
The first thing she noticed is that the street was busy, and the Eiffel tower was near by. The second thing she noticed was that it was cold out because it was snowing and everyone was wearing scarfs and hats. She however was not that cold, and started her exploration into the city of lights.
On the way to the Eiffel tower, she spotted a couple of men cuddled up together with French Coffee mugs. Then past those two men she realized she was at the Eiffel Tower. She walked up to the tower, and paid the price to get inside.

The stairs were tiring, very exhausting. It was mostly due to the fact that the girl was out of shape and not used to climbing stairs. On the way up, she met some interesting people. They were of different races and color, some Asian, some Dutch. They talked to her and told her about the Youth Hostel just a few blocks away where she could spend the night if she needed too. The college students told her that it was at Le 123 Sebastopol and it would only take her about 20 minutes to walk there.
So she kept that in mind as she got to the top of the Tower. In awe she looked at the few of the green lawn covered in snow, and took a breathe. It felt like she was really here this time, in Paris, France. She had never seen the people she just talked to, and that along was an interesting change. After awhile her head was starting to get light headed from the height, so she headed back down the stairs and that's when her astral projected self shifted the scene and she was at The Youth Hostel, preparing for another Paris adventure.
This one was a little more fast paced, and it began to scare her as she was plopped into the Paris Catacombs. She swear she saw a ghost, but she kept walking and walking down the hallways. The hallways that were filled with ancient people and magic. She sniffed the air, and that's when she could smell the fluffy white fur and bunny ears. She realized she was about to enter a different kind of Paris, a magical one.

When she followed the white rabbit, she fell down a hole, just like Alice. Further and Further she went, until she fell right onto a chair, and was sitting in front of the Alchemist, Nicholas Flamel, a Genie, and she could sense that Rumpelstiltskin was somewhere in the room.

Startled, Flamel asked her what she wanted, and she had three wishes. The first one was a wish to teach a boy that he was treating women wrong. The second one was about finding love, or talking to someone special again.
Third wish took her a minute to think about, but then she came up with it.
" I wish to save enough money to go to Paris for Real and not just in my dreams!"
That was the only line she spoke out loud and that's what called her back to her bed, where she woke up with penny whose face was up , and she heard the quite whisper of Rumpelstiltskin saying, "Remember, magic always comes with a price!"

Worried with what that price might be, she quickly checked on her cat, but he was fine. So the price may still come, but she remembered the Genie and Alchemist who loved animals of all kind, and new they wouldn't ever hurt her cat.

The lesson of Astral Project is important, because it is something dangerous and not always fun, so don't take pills to make it happen, let it come on it's own. The dreamer just astral projected because of taking her regular medicines with bendryl, to stop itching. So be safe, and do not try anything that is harmful to you!
Disclaimer: All the photos except the one of the cat are not mine. Please do not use the photo of my cat, he is not for public use.
Our story starts with a dreamer who loves to travel. The dreamer also loves to learn about historical events, magic, fairies, and Paris and Scotland. The trip to pairs started on her bed in a deep sleep, and her inner desires.
The first thing she noticed is that the street was busy, and the Eiffel tower was near by. The second thing she noticed was that it was cold out because it was snowing and everyone was wearing scarfs and hats. She however was not that cold, and started her exploration into the city of lights.
On the way to the Eiffel tower, she spotted a couple of men cuddled up together with French Coffee mugs. Then past those two men she realized she was at the Eiffel Tower. She walked up to the tower, and paid the price to get inside.
The stairs were tiring, very exhausting. It was mostly due to the fact that the girl was out of shape and not used to climbing stairs. On the way up, she met some interesting people. They were of different races and color, some Asian, some Dutch. They talked to her and told her about the Youth Hostel just a few blocks away where she could spend the night if she needed too. The college students told her that it was at Le 123 Sebastopol and it would only take her about 20 minutes to walk there.
So she kept that in mind as she got to the top of the Tower. In awe she looked at the few of the green lawn covered in snow, and took a breathe. It felt like she was really here this time, in Paris, France. She had never seen the people she just talked to, and that along was an interesting change. After awhile her head was starting to get light headed from the height, so she headed back down the stairs and that's when her astral projected self shifted the scene and she was at The Youth Hostel, preparing for another Paris adventure.
This one was a little more fast paced, and it began to scare her as she was plopped into the Paris Catacombs. She swear she saw a ghost, but she kept walking and walking down the hallways. The hallways that were filled with ancient people and magic. She sniffed the air, and that's when she could smell the fluffy white fur and bunny ears. She realized she was about to enter a different kind of Paris, a magical one.
When she followed the white rabbit, she fell down a hole, just like Alice. Further and Further she went, until she fell right onto a chair, and was sitting in front of the Alchemist, Nicholas Flamel, a Genie, and she could sense that Rumpelstiltskin was somewhere in the room.
Startled, Flamel asked her what she wanted, and she had three wishes. The first one was a wish to teach a boy that he was treating women wrong. The second one was about finding love, or talking to someone special again.
Third wish took her a minute to think about, but then she came up with it.
" I wish to save enough money to go to Paris for Real and not just in my dreams!"
That was the only line she spoke out loud and that's what called her back to her bed, where she woke up with penny whose face was up , and she heard the quite whisper of Rumpelstiltskin saying, "Remember, magic always comes with a price!"
Worried with what that price might be, she quickly checked on her cat, but he was fine. So the price may still come, but she remembered the Genie and Alchemist who loved animals of all kind, and new they wouldn't ever hurt her cat.

The lesson of Astral Project is important, because it is something dangerous and not always fun, so don't take pills to make it happen, let it come on it's own. The dreamer just astral projected because of taking her regular medicines with bendryl, to stop itching. So be safe, and do not try anything that is harmful to you!
Disclaimer: All the photos except the one of the cat are not mine. Please do not use the photo of my cat, he is not for public use.
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