A cat who stalked like a lion.
It was just an ordinary house cat,
but it really wanted that pigeon.
The region this cat was in was unusual,
because it was the city.
But the green grass was lush and beautiful, filled with worms and other good things for the bird to collect.
The fairy that sat on the bird's back could see the the cat,
though the cat that was stalking could not see her.
The fairy whispered into the birds ear,
"Watch out! He's about to pounce!"
So the bird flew up into the air, and the cat backed away. As if it was afraid of the bird.
So the bird flew down, unafraid and pounced right on the cat's tail.
The cat screeched, and ran off into the row homes.
The fairy had a magic wand with her, and said,
"May be both the bird and the cat be safe from harm.
Especially from big trucks and buses that come through this tiny alley way."
With that the bird and the fairy flew off to the top of the roof, to make sure her spell had worked, and it did. So the moral of the story is that wherever you go, you always have to look ahead, because a cat may be out hunting a bird, and though it doesn't seem innocent, it is an innocent creature to us, and we should all take care to be safe drivers in small alley ways.
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