Though it was suppose to thunder and lightening, she was brave and found a large oak tree that sheltered her.
She was a determined fairy, and didn't want to go home. As she sat, she watched the mortals walk by with their animals. Too distracted notice, a ladybug had landed on her neck.
Thinking it was a bigger bug, the tiny fairy almost smacked it. But once it crawled until her hand, she realized that it was precious ladybug!
It was so beautiful that she couldn't help herself but gaze for hours at all of it's spots. Though the ladybug was kind, it finally got annoyed with the fairy and said,
"Look! I am not an object! Take a picture! It will last longer!" Shocked by this outburst by the little lady bug, the fairy apologized.
"I am sorry, I was just gazing at your beauty, and I have learned from my Queen that ladybugs bring good luck and good weather!"
The little ladybug squeaked and said, " Yes, we do. Here, when I open my wings to flutter, the luck will sprinkle onto you!"
The fairy sat in quiet, and then replied "Thank you, and I promise to keep all of your ladybugs safe in storms like these."
With that, the ladybug fluttered it's wings and flew off of the fairy's hand, and squeaked back, "Thank you, your protection of us is a high honor!"
The fairy sat for while longer under the beautiful oak tree and thought to herself that she should take better care of nature than she does. In fact, right then and there, instead of keeping the sparkles the ladybug gave her, she gave them to the large oak tree. Who needed the luck to continue to shelter other fairies and creatures just like the ladybug.
The ladybug's main message here is to remind us that nature is precious, a privilege, and a gift. That to harm a fairy ring in a park, such as Patterson Park, is only harming yourself. The ladybug also reminds us that it is a good thing to do something for others, such as the little fairy giving her lucky sparkles to the tree instead of herself! That said, remember to preserve nature as you would preserve yourself, your families and friends!
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