It sounded like a clatter.
She knew it wasn't a latter.
When she looked about,
nothing appeared.

eyes that leered at her
from around the corner.
From past experiences, the little
girl learned,
that Mommy and Daddy
wouldn't believe
that there was a tiny brownie.
No, not the kind of chocolate you eat.
But a little creature. With big ears,
and big hands. Who liked to clean,
and loved sweets.
So now little girl tip-toed out to the kitchen,

She first lit a golden candle,
and the brownie followed the light.
It was bright enough that the little girl who was bigger than a kid, could see the Brownie,
and she spoke softly,
"Here, thank you, I remember what you love."
Quickly the Brownie went up to her, and replied even softer,
"Thank you."
And in a flash the Brownie was gone, and the little girl went to bed.
She knew she was too old, but she also knew that if she could still see magical creatures, then she wouldn't stop believing, no matter how old she got.
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