Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Faerie's Charm

       An eerie chill goes down my back.
       Something is near.
       I see in the corner a black cat learing at me.
        Mist surrounds.  The cold cold cold fear of death approaches.
        A Black cape.
         A man with a long staff and a hood.
          The Grim Reaper is standing.
           With piece of parchement with names.
           His voice is spooky. No. its terryfing like no other.
            But then something bright comes. something fantastic.
            The beauty and grace of a Faerie.
             I hear her sofltly chanting in an old celtic language.
              The hooded man is vanquished.
              She comes to me. And says,
                "Do not worry, do not fear. He will no longer lear."
                     With that she is gone,
                     and the warmth hugs around me.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Nikki and The Raven

Niki woke up the next day. She was sure she imagined that little hand  in the tree.. And the fairy  house inside it. It just wasn't possible.
     It was so unreal. Meeting a Fairy had been a dream of hers since she was a little girl. Now, closer to Halloween it seemed even more mystical.
      When Niki got out of bed, she looked at her hands and noticed something had changed with them.
They were clean, almost shiny. And was that? No... It was silver dust all over hands.

Niki's head spun around.  There was a Raven at her window. Talking to her. No. that couldn't be possible. Ravens didn't even exist in Baltimore except the football team and at the Zoo.

     She opened the window.

"Yes?"  She asked scared.. not so sure.

"Miss, I'm sorry to bug you. but Caedmon would like you to come back as soon as possible."

"Yes, okay, sure that sounds great.. but I was at my Grandmother's farm, and I have no idea how to get there again." Niki was talking so fast that the bird almost looked frightened.

"It is alright, Deary. I can take you."
"How?" Niki asked, her eyes widened.

"Hold on to my feathers, gently."

Nikki took his feathers caustiously,  and they dissappeared. Away from the  Inner Harbor,  everything around them  spinned.

"I Don't Like this!!" Niki screamed, but less than a half an hour later,  they were at the tree again.'

"Here you go Miss, and if you ever need anything, just say "Arland"

Still dizzy,   Nikki looked at her watch:
 It was 2:30 p.m. already.

In front of her,  there were several eyes looking at her through tiny windows. She peered down, and looked and said,
They flew back, all except one. Caedmon .

"Welcome to the Fae world, Madame,  here,  is where we will teach you how to become our newest Fae Guardian."

Niki watched in Silence.  Then, all of a sudden, she started to shrink, she shrunk and she shrunk until she was the height of Arland.
   "This. is. Not. Good."  Niki thought, but she followed inside, where they were all waiting for her patiently, and she was determined to find out more about this world called Fae.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


 Metal, is a curious thing.
 In all the fairy stories,
  its a little dangerous every time a fairy touches it.
  Metal. it's in our daily lives.
   We sit on it,  we make jewerly out of it.
It's used as Swords, and for our dinning needs.
We fear it during a lightening storm.
 We hide underneathe it during an earthquake.
Metal, is a wonderous  element.
 But to the Fae it scares. 
They coil at it as it sends sparks every time they touch it.
Metal.  It's used as a weapon.  a  Rockband Music Genre.
It's associated with the darkside.
The  fairies  never wonder, they just know, that it's dangerous.
So why aren't we more afraid of what it can do?
Maybe its a warning, a warning of pain and sorrow.
Metal. The most popular element.  Sits between two realms:
Light and Dark.
It's powerful. It's shiny. It's rusty. It's clean.
We should be cautious with

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Faerie Land: A picture Book with No Words

The Love of Ronald Weasley

          Growing up with six siblings,  five of them boys, and the youngest, a girl, was always a tough one for 16 year old Ron Weasley.   The burrow was cramped,  he had his own room, but when Harry came to visit,  it was always about Harry.  How Harry should save the world,  how he got out of using underage magic all the time.
        One time,  Ron remembered when he was younger, that  he had used the spell Fred and George had given him to turn his now, well, human Rat yellow.  Dad had had a fit, saying he couldn't use magic, neither of them could. But Harry was special.
         Hermione and Ron often talked about this, but they loved their best friend and knew he was struggling on dealing with this.
           Secretly, Ron's mind was else where when Hermione talked. Her hair, all those curls bounced as she moved,   He liked her buck teeth, they gave her  a personaility different from others.   She was brave, brave to smack Malfoy in the face in their third year.
             Now, he had left her behind. He was stupid. Harry and Hermione were out there all alone. in the dark.  He had no idea how to get back to them, especially Hermione.  He knew now, Hermione was  his one and only true love.
            Lavendar was his mistake. He never liked her.

Once she told him,
  "Won-Won,  do you think we will ever get married someday?" Bloody hell, how he hated that name.
  He replied,
        "Bloody Hell. We're only 16 Lavender." It may have been harsh at the time,
 because she had bursted out in too tears and went to the girls labatory with Parvati.

Something broke his train of thought.
      He heard her, her voice.  He didn't know where it was coming from, but he knew it was Hermione.
  she said, "Don't you wish we could just stay like this, in this place for ever? Where nobody can bug us?"
 Ron wondered what she meant, and was hoping for a location, but the voice dimmed again.

He realized, it was the delumintaor  that Professor Dumbledore had given him through his  will.
  Why had Dumbledore taken  him into account? He was just Harry's friend.. Nobody.

A few days later,
 He heard Hermione's voice again.

"We will stay here tonight. The forest of Dean."
      Ron rushed. He rushed as quickly as he could,  Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley were visiting an  old friend, and he would leave them a note.
     He left a seperate one for Ginny for his parents to send by Owl,

and to let her know in code that Harry was alright,even though he bloody dumped her, and Ginny was still not over him, and wanted to know  that he was okay.

As he backed out of the house, Ron disapperated.
             Spinning and Spinning until it seemed like for ever, he finally landed into a dark forest.

He was closer. He could feel Hermione. He could also feel panic, and worry from Harry. He was introuble.
   Ron ran, and sure enough was Harry, stuck at the bottom of a  lake with a sword. Bloody Hell.  The boy should know after the Triwizard Tournmate he can't swim.

Ron dove into the cold cold ice, and rescued Harry as Harry breathed,  He spoke,
   "Thanks Mate."

A few days later, Hermione wasn't forgiving him. In fact. She was furious with him, and almost set birds on him.
  How long? How long would she be mad?

 These thoughts pondered, as they walked and traveled into Hogsmeade and then into Hogwarts, where death and the evils of all evils, Lord Voldermort would come and try to take everything they knew away them, but Ron was not going to let him take Hermione. Not ever again, Not after what Bellatrix did to her, this time,  he said to her:
 "Hermione. I promise. I'm not going anywhere this time. and I'm not letting go." He took her hand, and together they went into the Chamber of Secrets  hand in hand ready to save the world.

(A Fanfiction Story of Ron Weasley from his Point of View, the character is not mine, and neither are the locations of the story)